WP7 – Ethical, legal and societal aspects of MEDiate


The objectives of WP7 include the: (1) Monitoring of Horizon Europe research ethics standards implementation throughout the lifetime of the project focusing on the exercises we will conduct. (2) Exploration of the applicable legal framework on the exchange of information among stakeholders, including cross-border exchange, especially via technical means to achieve the purpose of interoperability, the limitations and safeguards to such exchanges provided by the fundamental human rights legal framework. (3) Assessment of the social implications and opportunities of the proposed tools and disaster risk management agencies’ practices and the provision of recommendations for the adjustment of the research design to address gender aspects and a human-centric approach (4) Validation of the perceived likely impact on community resilience by direct investigation of the citizens’ perspective. Therefore, MEDiate will establish procedures for any legal or ethical issue that may arise during the project and consult the internal Ethics Advisory Board when necessary. Additionally, this WP is going to investigate the legal framework for information exchange and assess the compliance of the suggested solutions, including the data exchange and communication in emergencies among disaster risk management authorities. We will ensure compliance with EU values in terms of privacy and personal data protection, fundamental rights, societal aspects, e.g. perceptions of security, citizen engagement with disaster risk management authorities as facilitated by MEDiate, possible effects of technological solutions on societal resilience, gender diversity etc.

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Cècile Barrere – R2M Solutions

WP7 Leader