WP5 – Operational testing and co-evaluation of the decision-support system


The objectives of this WP are to validate, and if necessary, amend the emerging MEDiate tools and models, including the MEDiate DSS, with end-user stakeholders in the testbeds through the second and third PAR cycles (Figures 5 and 6) and to provide end-user needs assessment into WP2, 3 and 4. To this end the WP will: (1) Co-develop and co-evaluate of the emerging MEDiate DSS. This will involve the PAR teams working with stakeholders from their testbeds in their operational environments to test the ‘fitness for purpose’ of the tools, models and DSS against the stakeholder’s needs and expectations, initially identified in WP1 and further refined through this WP. The results of the second PAR cycle will be feedback to WP2, 3 and 4 to steer the final iteration of the MEDiate DSS; and to WP6 and 7 to inform the development of dissemination, exploitation and impact strategies and effective project management of the project. The process will be repeated during the third PAR cycle, at the end of which the final version of the MEDiate DSS will be produced; (2) Evaluation of the final version of the MEDiate DSS amongst international experts through a questionnaire study to identify strategic/policy issues at a national and international level that could enhance or impede the potential implementation, and long-term impact, of the MEDiate DSS; (3) Demonstration of the final version of the MEDiate DSS in the testbeds. This will involve PAR teams applying the DSS in the testbeds to co-develop a final set of simulation scenarios and co-evaluate the practical implications of implementing the MEDiate DSS enhanced risk-based multihazard framework. The results of this activity will be fed into WP6 to support final dissemination, exploitation and short/ medium-term impact activities.

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Keith Jones – ARU Anglia Ruskin University

WP5 Leader