Stiftelsen NORSAR

NORSAR is an internationally recognized independent research foundation specializing in seismology and applied geophysics. NORSAR carries out research and consultancy projects worldwide and develops software solutions for both research and industry. The Applied Seismology Department of NORSAR focuses in particular on research and consultancy projects related to seismic monitoring and earthquake hazard and risk.

Stichting Deltares

Deltares is an independent institute for applied research in the field of water, subsurface and infrastructure. Throughout the world, we work on smart solutions, innovations and applications for people, environment and society. Our main focus is on deltas, coastal regions and river basins. Managing these densely populated and vulnerable areas is complex, which is why we work closely with governments, businesses, other research institutes and universities at home and abroad. Our motto is Enabling Delta Life. As an applied research institute, the success of Deltares can be measured in the extent to which our expert knowledge can be used in and for society. For Deltares the quality of our expertise and advice is foremost. Knowledge is our core business. All contracts and projects, whether financed privately or from strategic research budgets, contribute to the consolidation of our knowledge base. Furthermore, we believe in openness and transparency, as is evident from the free availability of a selection of our software and models. Open source works, is our firm conviction. Deltares employs over 800 people and is based in Delft and Utrecht and has offices in Singapore, Indonesia (Jakarta) and the USA (Deltares USA Inc., Silverspring).
In 2008, Delft Hydraulics (founded in 1927) fully merged into Deltares, together with GeoDelft, the Soil and Groundwater department of TNO and research departments of the Dutch Department of Public Works, Transport and Water Management. Through the combination of the former institutes, we have excellent resources of appropriate expertise based on years of experience.

University of Strathclyde

The University of Strathclyde is a public research university located in Glasgow, Scotland. Founded in 1796 as the Andersonian Institute, it is Glasgow’s second-oldest university, having received its royal charter in 1964 as the first technological university in the United Kingdom. It is Scotland’s third-largest university by number of students, with students and staff from over 100 countries. The institution was named University of the Year 2012 by Times Higher Education and again in 2019, becoming the first university to receive this award twice. The annual income of the institution for 2019–20 was £334.8 million of which £81.2 million was from research grants and contracts, with an expenditure of £298.8 million.
The University of Strathclyde is leading WP2 and planning a key role in the scientific and engineering research in WP2 and WP3. The MEDiate project team specialize in the field of extreme weather events, hydro-meteorological hazards, and earthquake hazard. Our main contribution to MEDiate is in improving the assessment of the hazard from multiple and interacting natural perils, such as extreme weather, floods and earthquakes. This will involve the production of a multi-hazard framework suitable for assessing current and future multi-hazard interactions and impacts as well as developing and testing multi-hazard indicators that are suitable for use in risk-based assessments and decisions making. Dr John Douglas is a member of the project’s executive board and technical lead of the project. Dr Christopher White, is the leader of WP2 of the project and the main contact at Strathclyde for the project.

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) is an international research institute that advances systems analysis and applies its research methods to identify policy solutions to reduce human footprints, enhance the resilience of natural and socioeconomic systems, and help achieve the sustainable development goals. Cooperation and Transformative Governance (CAT) group from IIASA aims to analyze governance systems addressing sustainability at different scales and to generate compromise solutions. Th CAT group focus is on wicked problems and social dilemmas in decision-making advancing appropriate methodologies.

Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières

BRGM ( is a French public institution, providing technological research and development, as well as expert support for public policy and citizen information in different fields of the Earth Sciences.
Activities at BRGM cover areas such as observation, mapping and databases, modelling and management of surface and subsurface resources and processes, protection of the environment and mitigation of natural risks, etc. BRGM also provides support for European Union policies in partnership with other Geological Surveys (EuroGeoSurveys).
BRGM has coordinated or contributed to several EC projects in the fields of risk and vulnerability evaluation, particularly on critical infrastructure, multi-risk assessment and rapid response systems, as well as national projects (ANR, National Research Agency) on risk assessment and mitigation. An achievement was BRGM’s participation in the FP7 project SYNER-G, to date the most complete European project on estimating earthquake impacts on critical infrastructures. BRGM was also a key partner of the H2020 project TURNkey, related to the development of updating tools for the early warning and rapid response to earthquakes.
The Risks and Prevention Division (DRP) at BRGM comprises teams of renowned scientists with international experience in the fields of geotechnical, earthquake, and coastal engineering as well as crisis management, including the development of risk modelling tools, such as the VIGIRISKS platform ( to model multi-hazard impacts and losses.

Eucentre Foundation

The Eucentre Foundation, European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering, based in Pavia (Italy), was established in 2003 by the Italian Civil Protection Department, the University of Pavia, the IUSS of Pavia and the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology. Since then, Eucentre has been developing important research activities both with Italian partners as well as international ones in several fields related to mitigating natural and man-made risks, with the objective of producing and disseminating hazard and risk information and of developing innovative risk mitigation solutions that can be applied by institutions, industries and practitioners alike.
Thanks to its experience, expertise and equipment, Eucentre participated in more than 40 EU-funded research projects (in cooperation with more than 300 partners) and in hundreds private-funded projects (with more than 150 industrial partners) concerning the reduction of seismic risks as well as the post-event management, carrying out activities of damage assessment, post-event intervention and assistance to the population.
Central to Eucentre’s activity is its status of Centre of Competence of the Italian Civil Protection Department to which the Foundation provides emergency support, elaboration of risk scenarios and applied research for the improvement of civil protection activities. Thanks to the collaboration with the Department, Eucentre built up significant experience in the development of GIS-based platforms for the assessment of the seismic risk and the damage scenario in real time for structures and infrastructure.
The research activities of Eucentre are supported by its experimental laboratories. Thanks to an overall investment of about 30 million euros, the state-of-the-art equipment of Eucentre laboratories allows executing static and dynamic tests on large or real scale specimens, strongly reducing the uncertainties related to scale effects and improving the correlation to real cases. The main test equipment is the mono-axial shake table (5.6 x 7.0m) able to replay every recorded natural earthquake and to test large specimens and the multi-axial shaking table (4.8 x 4.8m) designed to perform test on non-structural elements. Such equipment and the experience in experimentation allowed Eucentre to coordinate the Transnational Access activities in major European research infrastructure projects.

University College London

Constantly ranked in the top 10 universities in the world, University College London (UCL) is London’s Global University: a diverse intellectual community, engaged with the broader world and committed to changing it for the better; recognized for its radical and critical thinking and its widespread influence; with an outstanding ability to integrate its education, research, innovation and enterprise for the long-term benefit of humanity. Founded in 1826 in the heart of London, UCL was the first university in England to welcome students of any religion and the first to welcome women on equal terms with men.
Within UCL, the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, which offers over 190 years of experience, Nobel-winning research, and a global outlook with students and staff from over 150 nations, embodies this UCL spirit in its mission to “change the world” – a theme that is not just a brand but the core of ground-breaking engineering education and research. UCL Engineering programmes are designed to engage students and give them the skills to address the world’s challenges.
The Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (CEGE), within the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, currently holds one of the largest research portfolios in civil engineering in the UK. CEGE is a multi- and interdisciplinary department renowned for excellence in research and teaching, home to world-leading research projects, groups, and centres, reflecting a broad, enquiring, and human-centred view of the engineering world. Strong links to industry and research are embedded throughout a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, with these links enhanced by CEGE proximity to both major infrastructure projects and leading firms, thanks to UCL central London location.

Icelandic Meteorological Office

Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation

Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) is an innovative global university, with students from 185 countries studying its courses. ARU is consistently named in the top 350 institutions in the world in The Times Higher  Education’s World University Rankings and annually partners with about 2,000 enterprises through training, research and collaborative programmes. ARU’s Department of Engineering and the Built Environment (EBE) is a multidisciplinary Department whose activities range from Architecture, through Engineering to Urban Design and Project Management. EBE has a strong track record in collaborative interdisciplinary research with industry and public authorities that links engineering solutions to societal challenges. EBE’s current research activity is focused on the systems and services required for future city living. In particular: community resilience to disasters; future service design and service delivery models; support for an ageing population; and sustainable technologies.

IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux – Ècole Mines-Télécom

IMT is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research for innovation. It is a key player in the fusion of science, engineering and digital technology, and takes its schools’ skills into the major fields of transformation in digital technology, industry, energy and the environment as well as their impact on the industry of the future, cities, health, and autonomy. IMT Mines Albi is a school of the ministry of industry, the higher national school of mines of Albi-Carmaux is part of the Mines-Telecom Institute , which is today the first group of schools of engineering and management in France. IMT Mines Albi is also an associate member of the Federal University of Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées and partner to a great number of institutions and prestigious universities in France and abroad. These privileged partnerships make it a welcoming ‘grand école’ and research centre, rich in opportunities, and in economic and professional development prospects.

Haskoli Islands – University of Iceland

The University of Iceland is a progressive educational and scientific institution, renowned in the global scientific community for its research. It is a state university, situated in the heart of Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland. A modern, diversified, and rapidly developing institution, the University of Iceland offers opportunities for study and research in over 400 programmes spanning most fields of science and scholarship in Social Sciences, Health Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Natural Sciences and Engineering. Some of the resources available at the University are uniquely Icelandic. These include the manuscripts preserved in the Árni Magnússon Institute, Icelandic census records dating from 1703, exceptionally complete genealogical data, and climatological, glaciological, seismic, and geothermal records. The University of Iceland also holds a leading role in sustainable energy and environmental research. The University of Iceland has set itself the long-term goal of being ranked among the best universities in the world and to employ internationally recognised quality standards in all appraisement of its work. We want a degree from the University of Iceland to carry a definitive mark of quality that can be relied upon throughout the world. This goal will be the strength of the University’s students in the future.

R2M Solution

R2M Solution is an integrated and multi-disciplinary entrepreneurial innovation company that aggressively targets filling the gap between research activities and market implementation across the fields of Innovation. Strategic innovator, R2M helps organizations and projects plan and execute the use of the research funding over a comprehensive development strategy, from idea to market. R2M provides leadership, links high performance exploitation-oriented networks, and leverages public and private funding instruments. The Innovation Division is expert on business model development, value proposition design, stakeholder needs analysis, market analysis and business plan development.

RINA Consulting S.p.A.

Rina Consulting S.p.A. provides dedicated, bespoke services for the infrastructure, transport and logistics markets including ports and marine, railways, roads and highways, buildings (hospital, residential, retail logistics and historical buildings), landscape, dams and hydraulic works, plant building and environmental engineering works; helping enterprises become more competitive and to achieve sustainable growth.
The company delivers comprehensive, proven, dependable and efficient third party testing, inspection, certification, design, consultancy and owner engineering services to a full range of Public Authorities, Contractors, Developers, Real Estate and Property Companies, Insurances Companies, Investors and Owners.

IUSS – Scuola Universitaria Superiore Pavia

The University School for Advanced Studies (IUSS) Pavia is an Italian Public Institution devoted to research and higher education. IUSS offers a variety of educational and training paths based on a strong interdisciplinary approach. The academic activities of IUSS are structured at both under and postgraduate levels with the main focus on the latter in the form of Master and Doctoral programmes that boast strong international elements in terms of participation and collaboration. From an undergraduate perspective, IUSS provides complementary multidisciplinary training to brightest students, admitted after a highly selective procedure. Such multidisciplinary training covers the fields of science and technology, biomedical science, humanities and social science. In the field of science and technology, IUSS focuses its activities in three main topics: (i) disaster risk assessment, focusing mainly on natural hazards; (ii) extreme situation management; and (iii) engineering for risk mitigation. IUSS is specialized in the area of Understanding and Managing Extremes (UME) and has a consolidated experience in flood and extreme weather risk assessment, working in close collaboration with the University of Pavia and the EUCENTRE Foundation.


The emergency response agency is a strategic agency for the Oslo municipality, within the field of emergency preparedness and response. Our purpose is to ensure that the municipality’s emergency response duties in war and peace are satisfactorily fulfilled, including advising, guiding and supervising the emergency response work across the city of Oslo.

Essex County Council

Essex County Council (ECC) is the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and has a duty to manage flood risk from local flood risk sources. This includes surface water, ground water and flooding from ordinary watercourses (streams and ditches). As the LLFA, we have statutory duties including the investigation of internal property flooding, publishing and maintaining and asset register, and assessing third party activity on ordinary watercourses.

Metropole Nice-Côte d’Azur

The Metropole Nice-Côte d’Azur is a French intercommunal structure, located in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, around the city of Nice. It is a metropolis which include 51 cities representing more than 550,000 inhabitants and its territory covers nearly 1,500 km². It is located between a mountainous and rural area in the north and a highly urbanized coastal area in the south, bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The Agency for Health, Environmental Safety and Risk Management (ASSER) of the Nice-Côte d’Azur Metropolis is in charge of coordinating all response to crisis, developing risk sensitization toward the population and providing strategic expertise at the metropolitan level, particularly in the event of an environmental crisis. Its objective is to set up an organization that is both adapted to the new needs of protection of the populations and the living environment of the entire Nice-Côte d’Azur Metropolis, while being flexible to quickly shift to “emergency” mode in the event of crisis.

Austurbru Municipality

Austurbrú is a self-governing organization, working in the interests of residents, businesses, and the community in East-Iceland. Austurbrú provides coordinated and multidisciplinary services mainly in the field of lifelong learning, research, business development and marketing Destination Austurland. The organization is mostly run according to agreements with different ministries, public institutions, and private parties. Although, different, all the projects within Austurbrú serve the interests of the region and their purpose is to promote the positive development of education, culture, and business. Austurbrú has offices in eight places in East Iceland and on average around 25 employees.