WP6 – Exploitation, co-dissemination, and communication with decision makers and the wider Community


WP6 has the following objectives: (1)To create awareness of the project results within local, regional communities and authorities as well as with relevant stakeholders within the disaster risk prevention and management fields, the research community and security organizations in Europe and elsewhere; (2) To disseminate the existence and outcomes of the project to academic and professional communities, and the general public; (3) To engage stakeholders and the general public with MEDiate; (4) To prepare a set of best-practice manuals, training materials and demonstrations to raise awareness amongst public/private organizations and individuals of the benefits of the MEDiate DSS system; (5) To develop a strategic exploitation approach, including the definition/elaboration of an appropriate business model, considering intellectual property, that can support the potential exploitation of the project’s outcomes; including the development of short, medium and long-term pathways to impact; (6) To coordinate the dissemination, communication and exploitation activities of all partners to ensure no efforts are duplicated or any stakeholder neglected.

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Rita Chirico – RINA

WP6 Leader