MEDiate Stakeholder Workshop in Oslo (2nd PAR cycle)
The goal of MEDiate is to co-design and co-develop the Decision Support System (DSS) for disaster risk management by involving local stakeholders and communities from the four testbeds of the project. As part of the 2nd cycle of the Participatory Action Research methodology, local stakeholder workshops will take place in June 2024 across the testbeds.
On June 6th, we had the first of these four local workshops in Oslo, organized by the Agency of Emergency Planning of the Oslo municipality and NORSAR!
The workshop focused on the risk and resilience assessment framework developed in MEDiate and aimed to collect feedback on how the results and tools under development in the project are perceived by different stakeholders (local police, urban environment agency, public health agency, emergency response coordinators from the water agency and the transport network, etc.). A historical case study (the compound flooding event of 1987) was used to illustrate the methodological approach. Finally, a first demo of the web-based decision-support system platform for disaster management was presented to the audience so that feedback could be collected at an early stage.