MEDiate Organized Serious Game Workshop in Oslo

On February 7th, the MEDiate Project marked a significant achievement through the Serious Game workshop held in one of its testbeds, the City of Oslo. This event was led by Oslo Municipality Emergency Planning Agency and NORSAR, bringing together diverse stakeholder groups from various agencies within Oslo municipality, as well as representatives from first responders.

The workshop was attended by different stakeholder groups from different agencies of Oslo municipality and representative agencies from first responders to rank a set of impact criteria against a compound quick clay scenario, and to visualize how different stakeholder preferences affect the decision-making in identify the optimal mitigation actions, through MEDiate-DSS platform.
The outcomes from the serious game workshop represent an important input for the upcoming disaster risk management exercise that will be carried out by the end-users and stakeholders using the MEDiate-DSS platform with its full functionalities. The exercise will be held in Oslo, between May-June 2025.